Wednesday, August 19, 2020
I am Charles Leon Sult. I graduated from Emory & Henry in 1950 and married Judy Taylor.I was sorry to learn of Jack's death.
Apparently he had been ill for some time. Judy died of cancer in 1975. I remarried Elizabeth (Betty) Lester of Wytheville, my home town. Betty died of cancer in 1995. I have been married to Shirlie Mitchel for 25 years and we are living in Vinton. I rceived my Masers and was employed by IBM for 40 years and have been retired for 33 years. I have one sister living in Wytheville, Audrey Jones. The Lord has been good to me for 97 years. I am sure His love and grace will bring you comfort in the days ahead. God bless you. A class mate. Charlie